
             Exercises in the mathematics area are grouped in sequential order as the child needs to have worked in the previous area to get to the next level. Montessori believed that knowledge proceeds from the hand to the brain. Concrete materials make concepts real and, therefore, easy to internalize. The aim of the work presented in a sequence is for the child to understand that each number is a separate object in itself, which prepares the child to understand the sequence from one to ten.

          Introduction to the decimal system helps focus on the hierarchy such as units, tens, hundreds, and thousands. One of the best things about these golden beads material is that it provides a sensorial approach to learning mathematics. Linear counting prepares the child to learn numbers starting eleven through one hundred and the relation between the number symbols and quantity, including the bigness in quantity as the number increases. In operations of the Decimal system, the concepts of addition and subtraction,  A child must remember his number not only while he moves among his companions as he approaches the large table but also while he is picking up his pieces and counting them one by one. ( The Discovery of the child ) multiplication and division are introduced to the child.

          A child must remember his number not only while he moves among his companions as he approaches the large table but also while he is picking up his pieces and counting them one by one. (The Discovery of the child)